
Here is a basic HTML5 template for a Racing Cars Game website that you can use as a starting point: Racing Cars Game

Racing Cars Game

© 2021 Racing Cars Game

This template includes a basic layout with a header, main and footer. It also includes links to a stylesheet and a JavaScript file. You will need to create these files and add your own code to make the game work. In the head section of the HTML, you can add any additional meta tags or links to external resources that your game needs. In the body section, you can add any content that is not part of the game itself, such as an introduction to the game or links to social media. You will need to add your own JavaScript code to create the game canvas and handle user input. You can add this code to the main.js file, which is linked to in the template. You will also need to create a stylesheet (style.css) to add styles to the game canvas and any other elements on the page. Remember to test your game across different browsers and devices to ensure that it works as expected. Good luck!


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